
Friday, September 21, 2012

Cake poisoning

A Poison: Just Piece of Cake

A Birthday cake is turning out to be a poison causing the fifty students have to goes to the hospital in no time.
As the cake is bought for two days before the birthday coming, the owner birthday named Snow White (fake name) bring cake to school and shared with her friends.
 After that White’s parent express the regret to all of students and their parent at school. Most of people do understand the unintentional doing of White. 
One of her friends is dissatisfied and asks for her responsibility. “She should not bring that cake if she buys it days ago” a boy said, “It’s all her false and she need to pay for the medicine.”
In contrast, one of her friend said “She also goes to the hospital; it’s prove that she does not mean to poison her friends.” 
However, the principal of school warn other students to be careful and wash hands cleanly before having any food. 
“I hope everyone will recover in a few days.” The principal said.
“White’s fault can be a big trouble if the number of sick students is up to hundred, we should remember as a life lesson or it might become a joke story for fun,” he said.


  1. poor kids. anyway, they were lucky that te poison just caused them sick.

  2. Poor, little kids ;( but I feel good for them that they didn't sick that much :)

  3. poor little girl but it the lesson for another person to wash their hand before eating right?

  4. oh unfortunately +
    poor little kids
    but anyway cake is my fav
